Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011


This study aims to identify the type, meaning and effect of the erotic that present in the novel Sutan Baginda written by Shahnon Ahmad (Malaysia) and a novel Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk by Ahmad Tohari (Indonesia). To achieve the objective, lexical erotic data is collected based on meaning relationship associated with the specific features, such as agriculture, maritime, physical, action, character, place and time. The theoretical framework used is a stylistic model by Leech dan Short (1993), which tend to focus on linguistic characteristic, aesthetics and style through description, interpretation and effect of erotic lexical category. Analysis of data indicates the different of erotic expression that caused by the creativity of both authors in choosing lexical erotic and lexical which contain eroticism based on literal and nonliteral meaning. The analysis proves that a serious novel that is created by the two authors meet erotic characteristics, due to sexuality expression hidden by the language of metaphor, delivery structure is only at introduction level, splash and unintend to raise libido. The results showed that Shahnon is more creative in express the eroticism because using seven lexical group, that is agriculture, maritime, physical, action, character, place and time than Ahmad Tohari who only using two lexical group, that is physical and action.

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